Frequently Asked Questions
(aka Questions That Have Been Received Since Five Days Ago)
What is D-Series: Black & Blue?
In the simplest of terms, D-Series: Black & Blue is a Sonic RPG. I'm taking as many elements as possible from the Sonic universe and putting it together in a semi-usable fashion so that it all fits together as one coherent story. Some pieces fit better than others, and some I've had to make up completely. If you want a more detailed description, you should head to the About page.
What is up with the fan characters? They're not in the Sonic games!
Correct, they aren't. However, this game is based off more than simply the Sonic games, it is also based off D-Series, the comic that this idea spawned from. If this game gets enough attention after it's released, I'll likely rework it and take out the fan characters, and rerelease it as simply Sonic the RPG.
Got any screenshots?
Since the engine is still in production, there are no official screenshots. There are some old concept shots I've had for some time, but they are significantly outdated. Most of what is in those four shots have been or will be changed in the final product. Once the engine is complete and beta testing is underway, screenshots will be made available.
How about instead of doing [X], you do [Y]?
Well, there are two possible explanations. First, I thought of [Y] already and [X] seemed better. Might I still change it? Of course. A perfect example is the use of Rings. Initially I decided to use Rings as HP instead of currency. By public demand I am swapping that out, making Rings currency and HP will be simply HP. Second, I hadn't thought of [Y]. I may like [Y] better than [X]. Maybe not. But input is IMMENSELY appreciated. You can e-mail me with any and all suggestions or questions.
Why are you making this in C#? You should be doing this in [X]!
Initial engine design is being done in C# because in all my object-oriented programming education, I've found that C# is the easiest to work with, while having massive maneuverability and sheer power. I was going to use DirectX as well, but it's bloody difficult to find a proper tutorial on how to use those in conjunction. I may not code the whole thing in C#, I am still looking at other engines. HOWEVER, outside of J# I am not under any circumstances jumping to another programming language. I don't have the time or the effort in me to learn an entire new language for this.
Can I work with you on this?
Well, yes and no. From a technical standpoint, I've already got two extremely experienced coders who are very interested in helping me on this. However, I have a tendency to be slightly... well, how to put it. I tend to like things done in an exact, particular manner. Which, more often than not, causes me to do really ridiculously large amounts of stuff on my own so I know exactly what it does. I have no problem working with blackbox code, but if I have to change something, I much prefer to know what's inside. On the other hand... once the engine is up and running, I'll have a lot less need for exactness, and I may open the floodgates to anyone who wishes to help out.
I have some of my own music, wanna use that?
Well, for starters, thanks a ton for submitting music. A few things first, though. Is it a Sonic tune? If not, it's less likely to get put in, I'm trying to keep this as Sonic-oriented as possible (with a few "minor" exceptions). If it's original, though, then by all means show it to me and I'll look for somewhere to put it. And don't worry if it doesn't get me to say "YES!" right away. As of now I'm only looking at music for Chapter 1, which takes place on South Island. There are seven chapters in all, and until the game is finally finished, there are TONS of places it could get used. Just don't harass me about it.
I have some of [X]'s music, wanna use that?
While I do like a lot of input and suggestions, this may not be the best idea. Granted, any and all music contributions are graciously accepted. However, by giving me someone else's work, I have to do the following: First, I have to make sure the song(s) is/are even useable. Then I have to make sure it actually belongs to the person you say it does. Finally, I have to get permission for it, which may require me to jump through hoops. On the other hand, if it's someone that is already completely signed on, and wouldn't mind their music being used, then by all means, submit stuff. Just keep in mind it may not get used.
Holy shit, I can't wait!
Neither can I. |